Our next live pitch edition will take place in Antwerp on May 15, 2024 with online Quickfire sessions scheduled May 6-9. We happily welcome you to Antwerp to connect with the newest academic Health Spin-offs from the Benelux.
(Future) academic spin off projects or established ventures in the human health are warmly invited to join our next edition.
- Selected Start ups seeking (pre-)Seed funding will present their proposition during the life pitch event.
- One or two HIHR alumni projects, seeking additional funding in ‘pre-series A’-stage to present their case, including a 5 minutes address to ‘lessons learned in their Start-up Journey’
- Early stage ideas or venture proposals not pitch ready yet look forward to receiving feedback during online Quickfire sessions. These 45 minute online sessions will take place from Monday May 6 till Thursday May 9, at 9am, 12am or 5pm.
HIHR offers a platform for researchers to connect in an informal setting with agents in the life sciences industry. Getting feedback from these experts could help you understand the potential of your technology. The HIHR Quickfire sessions and pitch-events are a great chance to bridge the gap from early academic innovations to real-world impact.
- Marcos Casado, Inkef
Pitch event Antwerp, May 15 2024
The programme will be published first half of April, which is also the start of the event registration.
A syllabus with summaries of all selected projects will be sent upon registration.
HIHR-events are ‘invitation-only’. If you would like to join us and are not on our mailinglist yet, you’re very welcome to send an email to claar-els@hihr.eu
Prior to the pitch event we offer a KTO meetup session. Meet your peers, exchange and learn from experts on a specific topic related to academic health venture building. Topic will be announced in April.
In addition to the pitches, we introduce a sneak view on ‘The future of...’. The topic of this edition will be revealed soon.
To secure the direct connection and intimate atmosphere, HIHR-events are ‘invitation-only’. If you would like to join us and are not on our investor/corporate mailinglist yet, you’re very welcome to send an email to claar-els@hihr.eu.
Investors/corporates will receive the link to the investor-registration form by email.
KTO/Spin off team-members that would like to join our event need to register individually via the KTO/Spin off event registration form, which will be published in April (once the programme is ready).
On line event-registration is a pre-requisite to participate in Antwerp. Registration closes May 8. Please contact claar-els@hihr.eu for any inquiries.
A syllabus with summaries of all selected projects will be sent upon registration.
Apply for a pitch
Are you actively seeking a venture capital investment? Apply for a pitch for the upcoming event.
Register for a Quickfire session
Would you like to discuss your early phase venture project with a small group of investors, entrepreneurs and KTO-professionals?
Apply as HIHR Alumni
Are you looking for additional funding in pre-Series A? Apply for a pitch at the upcoming event.
Source: HIHR