Indonesia | Indo-Dutch Health Dialogue

Indonesia | Indo-Dutch Health Dialogue

Are you interested in taking your business to the healthcare market in Indonesia? Are you ready to take your business to the next level by optimally preparing for Indonesia? If so, this Indo-Dutch Health Dialogue is of interest to you! Join us and maximize the potential of your visit, fortify your company’s readiness, and harness the transformative power of emerging healthcare trends in Indonesia.

This webinar is organized in preparation to the Health Mission to Indonesia from 13-16 May 2024, which is part of the extended SMM ASEAN Connected Care program. This mission offers many opportunities for the Dutch LSH sector to get in touch with relevant local stakeholders to strengthen bilateral relations. Therefore, this seminar aims to support Dutch organizations that are interested in doing business in Indonesia and want to be optimally prepared to elevate their market entry in the Indonesian healthcare market. This is of interest to both newcomers and more experienced companies.

More information and registration for this mission can be found here: Indonesia | Health Mission  – TFHC

What to expect?

This webinar will provide insights into the do’s and don’ts when doing business in Indonesia. These are some of the objectives:

  • To gain insight in the trends and developments of the Indonesian healthcare sector, focusing on local content requirements and product registration
  • To identify healthcare needs and challenges in Indonesia
  • To learn more about the Indo-NL MoU Healthcare 2023-2026: Objectives and focus
  • To learn from experiences of other Dutch entrepreneurs
  • To get the possibility as a newcomer to acquire a free 1-on-1 consultancy session

Who should join?

The seminar is relevant for Dutch companies and knowledge institutes active in the LSH-sector who want to enter or explore the Indonesian LSH market. The overarching topic of interest during this seminar is Connected Care, which includes sub-topics as Digitalization and Hospital Infrastructure.

  • Building Sustainable Smart Hospitals for the Future
    This topic will focus on the development and implementation of innovative technologies and practices in healthcare infrastructure to create environmentally conscious, efficient hospitals that are patient centered.
  • Creating Smart Hospital Environments that Highlight Patient-Centered Care
    This theme focusses on the integration of advanced technologies with a strong focus on the patient experience. This theme sets the stage for exploring innovative approaches to healthcare delivery within the context of hospital environments.
  • Innovating Care Practices that Advance Hospital Environments
    This topic will explore cutting-edge approaches and strategies that enhance patient experiences, optimize healthcare outcomes, and drive positive transformations within hospitals.


The program is still under development but will include the following elements:

09:30 – 09:40 Welcome and Introduction
By Task Force Health Care, RVO & Embassy

09:40 – 10:00 Main Trends and Developments in the LSH Sector of Indonesia
By Ravenry (TBC)

10:00 – 10:20 Indo-NL MoU Healthcare 2023-2026: Objectives and Focus
By Bart Looman, Global Health Correspondent to the Republic of Indonesia, Dutch Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sport

10:20 – 10:40 Experiences of other Dutch Entrepreneurs
By Fajar Ramadhany, Managing Director, IDBH Senso

10:40 – 10:50 The Way Forward
By Task Force Health Care

10:50 – 11:00 Q&A

11:00 Closing


Source: TFHC

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