Health~Holland Update: the Power of Prevention
If we look back over the past century at the Dutch health and welfare, we can say one thing for certain: prevention is key. In the past 150 years, life expectancy in the Netherlands has risen by about 35 years due to prevention. Schools, vaccination programmes, clean drinking water, road safety, good maternity care, environmental laws… the list goes on and on. These things are so well intertwined in our daily life, that we often don’t even realise they’re here to keep us healthy.
However, we’re not there yet. There is still work to do to improve our lifestyle and living environment and become even healthier still. Prevention is pivotal for realising our national central mission on Health and Care – five more years of healthy living and reducing socioeconomic health differences by 30% . Therefore, the first underlying mission is: By 2040, the burden of disease resulting from an unhealthy lifestyle and living environment is decreased by 30%.
But what does this new, healthy environment look like? What role do citizens, knowledge institutions, companies and the government play? Read this Health~Holland update to find out! Look for a nice, sunny spot outside and become inspired.
Taking the next Step - the Power of Prevention