Job engine innovative Top Sectors requires learning communities

Technological progress and disruption radically change the labour market. People – who cannot quickly adapt to the speed and possess the necessary skills- are at risk of dropping out, which will have a negative impact on our knowledge economy. Learning communities could turn the tide, state the Top Sectors in the investment agenda ‘Learning Communities 2018 - 2021’ that Anka Mulder, Boardmember TU Delft, presented June 26 on behalf of all Top Sectors to Maarten Camps, Secretary General of the department of Economic Affairs.

In the investment agenda, presented during the national Techniekpactconference #voorbij 2020 the Top Sectors state that public private partnerships must continue and speed up to develop to learning communities in which learning, working and innovating go hand in hand. This is necessary to be able to address the societal challenges and capitalize economic opportunities. Aad Veenman, Top Sector logistics, states: “Learning communities are a most useful instrument in which learning, working and innovating are connected and by which people are challenged to further develop their knowledge, skills and talent.”

20 pilots, in particular, were examined by an advisory and investigatory committee from the Top Sectors along with 100 other involved stakeholders (entrepreneurs, governments, education, a.o.). These pilots concern various topics in the life-long development. Furthermore all education levels (mbo, hbo and wo), various sectors and multiple disciplines have been considered. A panel of scientists from different disciplines, drew up a research agenda with urgent questions and topics.

A paradigm shift
Current and future challenges, such as the energy transition, the aging society and digitalization, force us to cooperate and act. A paradigm shift in the way we develop, innovate and learn is necessary. ‘Ultimately, this agenda is much broader than solely the joint Top Sectors. Both national and regional partners – research, education, governments and industry – have a role to play to reach a breakthrough’, according to Veenman.

Call to action
The Top Sectors urge all stakeholders involved, both national and regional, to take the next steps by effectively further develop existing partnerships, share knowledge and organize the required research. Finally, by effectively make existing financing arrangements suitable for a life-long development which will benefit all of us.

More information (in Dutch)
Learning communities 2018-2020 – Onderzoeksrapport - Wat maakt dat het werkt 
Learning communities 2018-2020 – Onderzoeksagenda - Uitwerking van toekomstige onderzoeksvragen
Learning communities 2018-2020 – Investeringsagenda - Samen zetten we de volgende stap
Learning communities 2018-2020 – Pilotboekje – Leren door te doen: 20 initiatieven

Job engine innovative Top Sectors requires learning communities

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