The United States officially reopened their borders for vaccinated travellers from Europe. This represents a great step for Dutch-American trade relationships and signifies the ability to start organising physical activities towards the United States again!
While travel may have been difficult this past year, plenty has still occurred regarding LSH trade between the United States and the Netherlands. In 2021, two LSH market studies have been launched, one with a focus on the California region and one with a focus on the Michigan region. Furthermore, extensive public-private cooperation has resulted in a multi-year programmatic and strategic approach for the Dutch LSH sector towards the United States.
This Health~Holland Digital Reconnect will be used to reflect on developments of this past year as well as look forward to the agenda for the coming year, one that can be seen as a transition year from digital to physical.
Location: Online, Microsoft Teams
When: Tuesday 14 December 16.30 – 18.00 (CET)
What to expect?
- A country update with a focus on the recent market studies that have been carried out in 2021 (California, Michigan).
- The American-Dutch LSH agenda for 2021. The agenda for 2022 will be presented as well as a discussion about the long-term programme for the United States. Your participation gives you the opportunity to influence the types of activities and the destination of those activities to boost your business in the United States.
- Welcome & Introduction
By Task Force Health Care - Short presentation of findings from LSH Market Study California
To be announced - Short presentation of findings from LSH Market Study Minnesota
By James Grizzell, Senior Economic Policy Officer, The Netherlands Consulate General in Chicago - The LSH Agenda for 2022
By Task Force Health Care in cooperation with the public network
After this Digital meet-up, you will have strengthened your…
- … knowledge on LSH opportunities in the United States
- … marketing strategy for 2022 and helped shape the American-Dutch LSH agenda.
- … network of fellow Dutch innovators and entrepreneurs active or interested in the United States.
Register today!
Register here, this event is FREE of charge.
Source: Taskforce Healthcare