With digital support in healthcare (eHealth) people can get easier access to care and more insight into their personal health. For example, video calling with your healthcare provider, renewing your prescription online, exercising with a training app or following the development of your baby during pregnancy, while the gynaecologist watches the growth of the baby in the hospital real-time. Yet many Dutch people still do not know enough what eHealth innovations can do for them.
That is why ECP | Platform for the Information Society and several main partners, like ZonMw, the Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sport and Top Sector LSH, are organising the eHealth week, from 21 to 26 January 2019. The purpose of this festive week is to inform more people about the opportunities and effectiveness of eHealth applications. Therefore the organisation calls for as many eHealth events as possible during this week.
Interested? Please visit the website for more information on the events or registration of your own event.