On Thursday the 15th of February for the third time, ZonMw organizes the annual gathering about public-private partnerships (PPS) in Utrecht. This inspiring afternoon is about how promising research can be connected to economic opportunities by innovative public-private partnerships. It is a varied program for researchers, entrepreneurs and health funds. You will hear more about the new funding opportunities for public-private partnerships of among others ZonMw. Get more information about funding possibilities in different research phases, valorization, Big Data and SME in public-private partnerships.
Admission is free, enrollment obligatory. There is only a limited amount of places available, so be quick to enroll via our website http://innovatiedoorcocreatie.b2match.io. On the website you can also find the tab marketplace. Here people can present their expertise, question or product. So are you looking for specific knowledge or a product? Then visit the marketplace.
The deadline for enrollment is 1 February 2018 at 12 o'clock. Do you have any questions? Sent an email to pps@zonmw.nl.
An impression of the previous edition of Innovation by co-creation: