The 3 dimensions of Organ on a Chip”: A symposium organized by TNO on October 31st 2016 in the Beatrix Building in Utrecht.
Organ-on-a-chip technology is not just one technology; it is about living cells and supporting technologies mimicking parts of the human physiology that has applications not only the pharmaceutical industry but also in the diagnostic, food, cosmetic and chemical industry. Human biology, technology and applications; the three dimensions of organ-on-a-chip. TNO has recently published a white paper describing our views on this topic. This symposium will show the TNO approach on combining biology and technology into applications and it will address these three dimensions in several examples.
Experts from TNO and collaborators, representing academia, technology SME’s and big pharma will present in three sessions focused on the above described aspects of Organ on a chip, Biology, Technologies and Applications.
Download the programme and registration form here.
Fore more information and registration contact Monique Brewster.