Tumor dashboard optimisation supporting clinical decision making in teams

Visual technology integrating quantitative patient outcomes to support multidisciplinary clinical decision making

During the management of cancer patients many decisions have to be made, often in multidisciplinary teams or tumor boards. These decisions are complex due to the increasing number of clinically available parameters in the field of imaging, pathology, and genomics. However, their relation and relative importance compared to traditional parameters are unknown and often not standardised. Especially, there is a strong clinical need for technology that allows for objective quantitation of imaging and pathology outcomes. This project will develop objectively assessed quantitative patient outcomes captured in visual technology and combined with algorithms to support multidisciplinary clinical decision making. A group of users and end-users will analyse which method of presentation is preferable. As an example prostate cancer is used, but the technology will also be applicable for use in other tumors. The way of decision making should improve individual healthcare.  

To improve individual healthcare artificial intelligence will be used for objective quantitation of patient imaging and pathology outcomes. Subsequently these algorithms can be validated and integrated into a tumor dashboard setting to support multidisciplinary clinical decision making.
Technology Readiness Level (TRL)
3 - 5
Time period
36 months