Succesful IMDI 2.0 kick-off

On Wednesday the 18th of April the IMDI 2.0 kick-off took place in Utrecht. During this afternoon Hans Rietman, chairman of the IMDI 2.0 steering group, presented the sequel of the IMDI subsidy programme. Henk Smid, director of ZonMw, also thanked Cor Spreeuwenberg as chairman of the IMDI initiative group for his help by setting up IMDI 2.0.

During the kick-off three recently funded projects and seven ongoing projects from the Centre’s of Research Excellence (CoRE’s) presented themselves. The presentations gave a good impression of what has been achieved so far with the IMDI programme and which developments will come.

Besides several IMDI projects, Maatschappelijk Verantwoord Innoveren (MVI) also presented itself as a cooperation partner for IMDI 2.0. MVI is a NWO programme that focuses on how responsible innovations can count on a broad societal consensus. In an early stage MVI will identify ethical and societal aspects of (technological) innovations so that these can be taken into account in the design process.

The event was closed by a stimulating debate with statements. The panel, consisting of Rebecca Abma (Dutch Heart Foundation), Henk Jansen (Indes), Jeroen Kemperman (Zilveren Kruis) and Sjaak van der Pouw (Siemens Healthineers) inspired each other and the room with sharp answers. The statements were mainly about the role of technological developments and the future demand of care. It was a nice ending to a successful kick-off meeting.

IMDI 2.0
In 2016 an international commission evaluated the IMDI programme. The main conclusion is that much has been achieved with few resources. One point for attention was the implementation of the innovations. IMDI 2.0 is aimed at realising the evaluation points of the international commission. As chairman of the new steering group, Hans Rietman explained briefly the new plans for the renewed IMDI programme.

IMDI 2.0 is one of the strategic public-private partnerships supported by Health~Holland and is adopted in the Knowledge and Innovation Agenda (KIA) 2018-2021.

Succesful IMDI 2.0 kick-off

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