ERA HDHL Cofunded Call Biomarkers in Nutrition and Health

The JPI HDHL -together with the European Commission - is going to launch a new joint transnational call for research proposals: "Biomarkers for Nutrition and Health (BioNH)“ using the ERA-NET Cofund instrument. The transnational call will focus on the “development and validation of biomarkers for nutrition and health, including nutritional intake, nutritional status, physical activity-related health, diet-related health and risk of developing diet-related diseases”.

The JPI HDHL aims to create an International Research Network on BioNH trough the projects that will be funded in this ERA HDHL cofunded call and the already funded projects of the JA BioNH . This network of researchers, carrying out studies at a pan-European level, will establish a critical mass of expertise necessary in this research area, allowing excellent science, sharing of standardised and innovative measures and research infrastructures, as well as training of young scientists in the field of BioNH.

Call time schedule:
The call is scheduled to be launched on the 16th of February 2016.
The deadline for submission of pre-proposals is scheduled for the 19th of April 2016.

For more information please download the preliminary announcement.

Source: JPI

ERA HDHL Cofunded Call Biomarkers in Nutrition and Health

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