Ukraine is faced with untold human suffering, destruction of lives, houses, infrastructure and healthcare facilities. The destruction of the healthcare system plunges Ukraine into a humanitarian disaster. Immediate support and donations are needed now. Both in Ukraine, as well as, for the large number of refugees.
Although the aggression is still ongoing, we need to start thinking about recovery and reconstruction of the healthcare infrastructure. To build back a better, stronger and resilient system. This is a task that requires enormous efforts, funding and alignment. In the coming weeks the Ministry of health of Ukraine will draft the recovery and reconstruction plans that will guide this process.
Task Force Health Care (TFHC) continues its our efforts to support Ukraine in the coming weeks, months, and years to come. By sharing information, forging partnerships, activating our network and jointly organising events. Acting as a catalyst and pivotal point to support the healthcare recovery and reconstruction in Ukraine.
This is something that no one can do alone. We have to do this together with everyone that shares the common goal to support Ukraine. TFHC works closely together with the Embassy of Ukraine in The Netherlands and The Netherlands Embassy in Ukraine. With both the Ukrainian and Dutch Ministry of Health. With the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs, RVO, and VNO-NCW and many, many others.
In the end, TFHC-partners, and companies and organisations in their network, work on the ground, side-by-side to the Ukrainian organisations. So many of them are already active in Ukraine right now. Providing support where and whenever they can.
Online Seminar
As part of a series of events, the Ukraine-Netherlands Healthcare Recovery and Reconstruction seminar will be organised on 7 July 2022. During this seminar they address the following topics:
- Ukraine Healthcare Recovery and Reconstruction plans – Minister of Health Ukraine
- Donor funding from World Bank, EU, EIB, WHO
- NL-Ukraine collaboration in healthcare
Draft programme
- Ukraine Healthcare Recovery and Reconstruction in healthcare. Current plans and insights from the Lugano conference – Deputy Minister of Health Ukraine (tbc)
- Current developments and perspectives in health care in Ukraine – Ambassador of The Netherlands Embassy to Ukraine – Jennes de Mol
- Panel disscusion on Ukraine – Netherlands collaboration in healthcare with a.o. Micha van Lin, Task Force Health Care; Arthur ten Have, Orange Health Consultants.
- Q&A
More detailed information on the programme will follow soon. Please save the date in your agenda.
Source: Task Force Health Care