Patient engagement has become one of the key aspects in drug development and therapy during recent years and becomes more important as time progresses. At the same time, these processes are undergoing change towards a new ecosystem. By taking the lessons learned from the past, taking current initiatives and bright ideas for the future, patient engagement plays a crucial role in the future of drug development & therapy. Start your development with the end in mind!
On June 9th 2022, admedicum will organise an event in collaboration with HollandBIO, where patient representatives will set the scene and subsequently multiple stakeholder speakers from healthcare, regulatory and industry will share constructive perspectives towards solutions, improvements and opportunities for patient engagement in 2030. The different perspectives will be followed by an interactive and open ‘parliamentary style’ debate.
Please click here for an overview of the exciting programme with international speakers, including Nicola Bedlington (former Secretary General European Patient’ Forum), Cécile Olivier (C-Path), Ana Mingorance (Loulou Foundation), Joep Rijnierse (Amgen) and Annamarie Dillon (Orchard Therapeutics).
Practical info
- Date: June 9th 2022
- Time: 14:00 doors open, 14:45 programme, 17:30 drinks
- Venue: Muntgebouw Utrecht, the Netherlands
Registration is free. You can register via this link.
This event was originally planned for December 2nd 2021, but had to be postponed due to the COVID-19 situation. For us at admedicum, organizing a safe in-person event for all participants, including those that may be at higher risk for severe illness due to COVID-19, is for us our no. 1 priority.
If you have previously registered for this event, please make sure to register again via de link on this page. Your previous registration is no longer available.
source: HollandBIO