Innovation mission Digital Key Enabling Technologies solutions for AMR
Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) has been acknowledged as a global threat that impacts human and animal health and wellbeing. It’s called the silent pandemic and is bigger than assumed thus far. AMR does not stop at borders, it is a cross-border health threat that requires concerted action. Curbing the rise of AMR is a complex task and entails an One Health Approach, taking the water, agriculture and health sector into account.
The fight against AMR is high on the joint agenda of both the Netherlands and India. Both countries commit to this global fight, in word and in action. Pandemic preparedness and prevention of AMR are shared policy priorities between the Netherlands and India. The ecosystems of both countries are still developing.
Digital technologies can support and enable interventions to combat antimicrobial resistance. For instance to improve surveillance of AMR. With this innovation mission, they specifically look at digital key enabling technologies (KETs) as part of solutions for AMR challenges in India. Next to agri-, health- and water experts, stakeholders working in the field of big data and data analytics, including blockchain technology, artificial intelligence and machine learning, robotics and sensor data are specifically invited. But also those who are working on FAIR-data exchange in federated data architectures & distributed learning, in data stewardship and in laboratory data applications/management/informatics within the water, agriculture and health sector, that can be of value for AMR solutions.
Practical information
The mission takes place from 13 June 2022 - 17 June 2022 in New Delhi, Telangana, Andhra Pradesh and Bangalore. Participation fee is € 250. Register before 31 March!
Interested in joining this mission? More information and registration: Innovatiemissie India: digitale oplossingen voor antimicrobiële resistentie (AMR) | | Rijksdienst