Are you active and interested in further developing your business in Germany? Then TFHC invites you to take part in their mission on digital health to Baden-Württemberg. But be quick, as spots are limited and will be given out on a first-come, first-serve basis.
This mission is organised by the Netherlands Economic Network in Germany (Netherlands Embassy in Berlin and the NBSO Stuttgart), RVO, and Task Force Health Care as part of the Partners for International Business German eHealth and will take place from 27 June to 30 June 2022.
The programme is made to be as interactive as possible so that you can grow your network with key stakeholders in the region of Baden-Württemberg
- Seminar where you will receive the latest updates on Germany’s digitalisation efforts
- Collective meetings with relevant LSH stakeholders; with several leading German university hospitals, healthcare insurers and other important stakeholders.
- Networking reception where you can meet and (new) local business contacts.
- Knowledge sharing and possible cooperation with participants within the Dutch LSH Delegation.
- Presence and support from the Task Force Health Care and the Netherlands Economic Network in Germany.
- In case the mission will be in an online format digital tools such as the REMO platform of TFHC that promote interaction and networking are available.
In April the organising parties will decide about the format of this mission (digital or physical).
Developments in German eHealth
The introduction of the Digital Healthcare Act in December 2019 paved the way for reimbursement of health apps and digital consults. These laws have brought about a steep increase in the use of telemedicine. During its presidency of the Council of the EU in 2020, Germany made digitalisation of healthcare one of the priorities. In 2021, this trend continues with federal investments of EUR 4,3 billion in the digitalisation of hospitals. Now is the time to invest in one of Europe’s biggest digital health markets!
For more information on digital health in Germany have a look at the brochure, the market report German eHealth or contact:
- NBSO Stuttgart
Agaath Hulzebos - Task Force Health Care
Esther van den Heuvel
- EUR 250,- excl. VAT* per participant (Digital format)
- EUR 750,- excl VAT* per participant (Physical format)
You can register using the bottom below*.
*Important note: The amount of participants for this mission is limited. Registration does not guarantee participation and will be determined on a first-come, first-serve basis. You will be informed as soon as possible on whether you will be able to participate. If you are able to participate, an intake meeting will be planned with TFHC.
For more information regarding this mission to Baden-Württemberg, please contact: Esther van den Heuvel: / T: +31 (0)6 12760968.
Source: Task Force Health Care