TFHC likes to invite you to a virtual meet-up dedicated to TFHC partners like you. It’s been a while since we could all get together, so they figured this would be a nice way to reconnect. Catch up with other members of the TFHC partner community. Meet new members as well. And talk to the programme managers about recent developments. If you have any questions, ask away.
What’s going to happen?
Just a brief introduction by TFHC and then it’s all about networking. Chat about how fellow TFHC partners are doing, developing new projects and business, perceived market developments, overcoming bottlenecks internationally.
And where?
TFHC knows how valuable small group and one-on-one interaction is, so they have built an online platform for it. You are welcome to join on REMO, a user-friendly virtual platform with multiple meeting rooms.
TFHC looks forward to welcoming you there. Let them know if you want to join, so they can send you the link in advance.
Sign up here! (TFHC partners only)
Source: TFHC