Learn about the latest AMR technologies in a series of interactive key note lectures by international Captains of Industry and Leading Scientists. The Royal Tropical Institute is the historic location where the international AMR Insights events normally take place. Because of corona, this year’s event will be delivered digitally in close cooperation with the Royal Tropical Institute.
International podium for upcoming technologies in AMR
‘Emerging Antimicrobials and Diagnostics in AMR 2020’ is the 4th AMR Insights International Symposium on row. The one day event provides an excellent, international podium for emerging preventives, new antimicrobial strategies, microbial diagnostics and related (platform) technologies. The event offers key note lectures, technology and product updates, frontline stories and concluding forum discussion.
The event is meant for..
The event is meant for Academic and Research Institutes, Start-ups, SMEs, Multinationals, Technology providers, Contract R&D and Analysis organisations, Health and Governmental Institutions.
Anticipated programme
The programme of the event is featured on the website of AMR Insights.
Enrollment in the emerging technologies database
The AMR Insights Database exposes relevant technologies and (near-market) products to be involved in the global curbing of AMR. Enrollment in the Database is free of charge for public and private organisations participating in the event.
Event marks beginning of WAAW
The event marks the very beginning of the World Antimicrobials Awareness Week (WAAW). The WAAW is organised by the Tripartite Joint Secretariat on Antimicrobial Resistance of FAO, WHO and OiE. The WAAW aims to increase awareness of global antimicrobial resistance and to encourage best practices among the general public, health workers and policy makers to avoid the further emergence and spread of drug-resistant infections. The WAAW will take place from 18 to 24 November, 2020.
Details of the matchmaking symposium
Date: 18 – 19 November, 2020
The Symposium will start on 18 November at 09.30 am and ends at 05.00 pm.
Source: HollandBIO, AMR Insights