PLEASE NOTE! [Not yet confirmed] Task Force Health Care, RVO.nl and the Netherlands Representation in Saudi Arabia, The United Arab Emirates and Qatar have the intention to organise a digital mission to the respective countries at the end of November 2020.
Are you interested in the Gulf region and would you like to get in contact with local LSH stakeholders and potential customers from Saudi Arabia, The United Arab Emirates and Qatar? Then join our digital mission to the region! The digital mission will be organised as the closing event of the PIB TFHC Goes Middle East. Due to the current travel restrictions, the mission will be arranged digitally, which makes it possible to virtually travel to all three PIB countries!
What can you expect?
The digital mission will provide excellent opportunities to meet new relevant business contacts and to learn more about the Emirati, Saudi and Qatari Health sector. You can expect the following program components during the digital mission.
(Please note that below items may be subject to change)
- Workshop and Introduction on the Saudi, Qatari and UAE LSH sector & market
- Digital meetups with important LSH Stakeholders; such as public -and private hospitals, Ministry of Public Health, local health authorities etc.
- Round table discussion where you can meet (new) local business contacts and key LSH stakeholders.
- Knowledge Sharing and possible cooperation with participants within the Dutch LSH digital delegation.
- Presence and support from both the Dutch representation in Saudi Arabia, Qatar & the UAE and the Task Force Health Care.
All details concerning the mission dates and preparations will be published after the summer break.
Is this mission relevant for you?
The digital mission is relevant for Dutch companies and knowledge institutes active in the LSH sector who want to enter or explore the Saudi, Emirati or Qatari health care market. In particular for those in the following fields:
- Medical Devices and appliances: Products, devices, disposables and equipment within the healthcare sector.
- Hospital Build, design and equipment: Products and services concerning the design, building, furnishing, equipping, operations and maintenance of hospitals and clinics.
- eHealth: Products and services within the domains of information- & communication technologies which contribute to the efficiency, effectiveness and digitalisation of the healthcare sector.
- Health Development/Knowledge/Education: Products and services within the domains education, training, consultancy and advisory services to optimise care capacity.
- Mobility & Vitality: Products and services in the field of prevention, rehabilitation and home care.
Note: In favour of the scope and quality of the mission, we reserve the right to accept or decline participants who do not belong to the relevant target group for this mission.
Pre-register today!
More details regarding dates & costs will be available soon.
Are you interested in joining the digital mission? Then please pre-register or inform me about your interest by email. When registration opens I will inform you about the costs and dates after which you have the possibility to confirm your registration.
- E jennifer.schrage@tfhc.nl
- T +31 (0) 70 21 90 005
This LSH mission has been made possible by the Netherlands Representation in Saudi Arabia, Qatar and the United Arab Emirates, together with the “Partners in International Business” (PIB) named TFHC Goes Middle East. The LSH PIB Middle East is a partnership between the Dutch Government, RVO and the TFHC PIB Covenant.
Source: TFHC