Are you looking to learn about the latest LSH trends in Germany? Would you like to provide input on future activities related to Germany? And would you like to learn how you can leverage on the Topsector LSH and Dutch government to reconnect with key stakeholders? Register here.
What to expect?
Country update addressing the current situation in Germany with regard to the LSH sector its opportunities, challenges and the long term perspective.
Moving forward, co-creating the Dutch LSH-agenda in Germany: presenting and discussing our upcoming activities and our long term programme. Your participation gives you the opportunity to influence what kind of activities should be organized to boost your business in Germany.
- Dr Sven Jungmann, CMO FoundersLane & Medical Advisory Board Member Wellster Healthtech Group
As Chief Medical Officer at FoundersLane, a corporate venture company aimed at developing new business models by bringing together corporations and tech entrepreneurs, Sven leads the healthcare department where he uses his experience as an MD to accelerate innovation into the medical field. He recently wrote a book, together with Felix Straeritz, which focuses on the need for innovations to tackle the current Covid-19 crisis called Fight Back Now: leveraging your assets to shape the new normal. Given this and his background working for smart Helios GmbH, he brings a wealth of experience on the German (e-)health system. - Agaath Hulzebos, Chief Representative, NBSO Stuttgart
- Guido Danen, Programme Manager Europe, Task Force Health Care
After this Digital meet-up, you will have strengthened your…
- ..knowledge on LSH-opportunities in Germany.
- ..marketing strategy for 2020-2021 through German/Dutch LSH-agenda
- ..network of fellow Dutch innovators and entrepreneurs active in Germany.
- 15:30 Welcome & Opening
- 15:35 Introduction Health~Holland International Strategy 2020 – 2023
By Micha van Lin, Director of Task Force Health Care - 15:40 Update on German healthcare developments in times of COVID-19
By Dr Sven Jungmann, CMO FoundersLane & Medical Advisory Board Member Wellster Healthtech Group - 15:55 Q&A
- 16:00 Introduction NSBO Stuttgart and Task Force Health Care
By Agaath Hulzebos, NBSO Stuttgart & Guido Danen, TFHC - 16:10 Discussion on future activity agenda Germany (facilitated by Menti)
- 16:30 End
Register now!
Interested? You can register for this free event via this link. For more information about this webinar or activities regarding Germany, please contact TFHC Europe programme manager:
- Guido Danen
E Guido.danen@tfhc.nl
T +31 (0) 70 21 99 001
Source: TFHC