This event is cancelled conform the health guidelines from the Dutch government. There will soon be decided between an online meeting or live meeting later this year. Keep an eye on the website.
Different types of subsidy, perhaps loans, informal investing like crowd funding or equity and venture capitalists. There are a lot of possibilities, but where to start? Which funding is right for which phase of R&D, what to expect when actively searching for the right funding? Experts from different funding backgrounds in relation to the R&D of medical devices will share their knowledge. A follow-up session might be organised where pitches will be feedbacked.
For whom?
This knowledge is essential for everybody involved in or responsible for medical device development, both from a technology perspective as from a management perspective. Also it is relevant for everyone who is working on a medical device (prototype/product), such as engineers, researchers, projectleaders.
Where and when?
- 28 May 2020
- 16.00 - 20.00 (registration from 15.45; drinks after 20.00)
- Entrance: € 30,- (incl VAT) per person
- Language: English
- Location: The TechMed Centre, Technohal (Building 18) - Room TL 2148 University of Twente, Drienerlolaan 5; Route
Registration and cancellation
A maximum number of 30 participants are welcomed. If you cannot attend the event for which you have already registered, please let the organisation know. Simply e-mail
Register here.
Source: University of Twente