Update March 13th, 2020: event postponed due to the spread of the coronavirus - further updates will follow soon
Patient engagement in research 2025: Where is the field heading? And how can you enhance patient centricity in your organisation? On the 3th of April 2020, the Athena Institute at VU Amsterdam and the PARADIGM-consortium organise a symposium about patient engagement in health research. They provide insights in recent developments in the field of patient engagement and its evaluation and pioneers share examples from practice. You are invited to learn from (inter)national experiences and think about what you or your organisation needs to bring patient engagement further.
Pharmaceutical companies, (clinical) researchers, patient organisations and research funders are welcome to share and celebrate what we have collectively accomplished and to jointly shape the future of patient engagement and its evaluation.
Look forward to
- An exciting plenary session about the State of the Art of Patient Engagement and its Evaluation with keynote speakers such as Prof. Dr. Jacqueline Broerse, EUPATI-NL, Janssen Pharmaceuticals.
- Interactive workshops on varied topics including: Engagement methods and metrics for research agenda-setting; Determining the return on engagement in the design of clinical trials; Innovative engagement methods.
- Significant expertise and presence of Dutch and European pharmaceutical companies, (clinical) researchers, patient organisations, research funders and the Athena Institute (Centre of Excellence on partnerships with patients).
- Interactive discussion on the future of patient engagement and its evaluation.
The registration is free, but spaces are limited. Register now here (password: engage2020).
Source: HollandBIO