From 20 – 24 May 2019 the Dutch Consulate in São Paulo together with Task Force Health Care have the pleasure to invite you to participate in a targeted individual matchmaking programme for the Life Science and Health sector, on and around Hospitalar in Brazil.
Background Brazilian healthcare sector
With its 209 million inhabitants Brazil is the biggest health market in Latin America, the 7th biggest economy and 3rd biggest private health market worldwide. Brazil’s Unified Health System (SUS) is experiencing stress on the existing health infrastructure and costs, due to rapid expanding of health coverage, an ageing population, an increase in chronic diseases and an unequal distribution of health within the population.
The (financial) sustainability of the SUS is a main priority for the Brazilian government, which has led to several reforms in the healthcare sector. For example, a bill was passed to allow telemedicine consultations between physicians and patients. Implementation of innovative technologies and care concepts are encouraged. This provides an opportunity for the Dutch sector to showcase its solutions, best practices and seek cooperation with Brazil.
What can you expect during the programme
Hospitalar is the biggest trade fair of Latin America, and the gateway to the Latin American health care market. High-level LSH stakeholders from all over Brazil (and other Latin American countries) come to São Paulo during Hospitalar to network and find partnerships, make business deals.
The offered individual matchmaking programme will provide an excellent opportunity to meet specifically matched relevant business contacts, possible partners or health organisations. You can expect the following program components during the mission.
(Please note that below items may be subject to change)
- Visit to Hospitalar the biggest trade fair in Latin America.
- Individual matchmaking 4 to 5 one-on-one meetings, both on Hospitalar and on location*
- Knowledge sharing with other Dutch LSH organisations and/or entrepreneurs interested in doing business in Brazil
- Visit to HIMMS@Hospitalar Summit and/or CISS (both against an additional fee, on which more information will be given later).
*The costs of individual matchmaking appointments is covered by the Dutch Consulate. Costs for translation and transport (if necessary) are at own expense.
Is this programme relevant for you?
The LSH individual matchmaking programme is relevant for companies and knowledge institutes active in the Dutch Life Sciences and Health sector, in particular for those in the following fields:
- eHealth: Products and services within the domains of information- & communication technologies which contribute to the efficiency, effectiveness and digitalisation of the healthcare sector.
- Medical Devices and appliances: Products, devices, disposables and equipment within the healthcare sector.
- Health Development/Knowledge/Education: Products and services within the domains education, training, consultancy and advisory services to optimise care capacity.
- Public Health: Products and services aimed at improving health systems, policy, quality of care and increasing capacity.
- Hospital Build, design and equipment: Products and services concerning the design, building, furnishing, equipping, operations and maintenance of hospitals and clinics.
Participation fee
The participation fee is: €950**
Discounts apply for:
TFHC Latin America partners will pay a fee of: €700**
TFHC partners will pay a fee of €850**
A 50% discount will apply if you register a second participant from the same company.
**Costs for travel, accommodation, meals, and individual transportation are not included in the participation fee.
TFHC Terms and conditions
How to join?
If you want to take part in this programme, please register before 20 March 2019 by filling in the online application form.
This programme has been made possible by the Dutch Consulate in São Paulo.
For more information regarding the programme, please contact:
Cloé Geboers
T: +31 (0)6 10 28 48 73