The first Rare Disease Symposium that took place on March 30 2017, was a great success! It was wonderful to see the gathering of so many stakeholders passionately committed to ensure the rare disease patient in 2030 is better off than he is today. The exhibition floor featuring a number of rare diseases and their patient organisations added an extra dimension to the event. In a positive and constructive atmosphere, the attendees discussed how to address the needs of patients, while safeguarding stakeholders’ incentives to innovate, and ensuring the sustainability of our health care system.
The second edition of this Symposium will be organised on the 18th of April 2019 which will continue on the success of the first edition, towards an ongoing multi-stakeholder dialogue to find solutions that will gain momentum for the orphan disease patient towards 2030. The Symposium is organised by PSR Orphan Experts and HollandBIO.
Stay tuned for updates on the symposium’s website. Soon an inspiring location & programme will be published.