Technological solutions for sustainable healthcare - from molecule to reimbursement: Medical Delta’s mission comprises the entire innovation journey. However, on this long and challenging road several hurdles often turn out to be too high. As a consequence, promising medical innovations don’t always make it all the way to the finish line.
How come? And what can researchers and companies do themselves to increase the chances that their future innovations eventually turn into actual healthcare solutions, embraced by doctors and other professionals, healthcare institutions, policy makers and, of course, patients?
At this Medical Delta Café, we will look into these questions, together with experts and based on recognisable examples from everyday practice.
15:00 Registration
15:30 Welcome by Gertine van der Vliet, managing director Medical Delta
Introduction, by moderator Esther Thole, science journalist
15:45 Presentations and practical examples
- Antoinette de Bont, Professor in sociology of innovation in healthcare (Erasmus University)
- Rudolf Scholte, Quantib founder/COO
- Jenny Dankelman, Medical Delta professor (Delft University of Technology & LUMC) and involved in the Living Lab Medical Delta Instruments
- Tim Horeman, Delft University of Technology and Surge-on
16:30 Panel discussion
16:50 Wrap-up
17:00 Drinks @the Café; continuation of the Venture Café Rotterdam programme
Bezoek de Medical Delta website voor meer informatie en registratie.