On Tuesday 26 June, The Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO) will host a webinar in order to provide information on the research programme for the Dutch National Research Agenda (NWA). We will share details on the recently launched call for proposals Dutch National Research Agenda - Research along Routes by Consortia (NWA-ORC) and respond to audience-submitted questions.
The research programme for the Dutch National Research Agenda encourages broad-based interdisciplinary consortia to submit research proposals that fit within one or more of the 25 NWA routes. The programme aims to stimulate collaboration between researchers performing fundamental, applied and/or practical research, and public and private societal partners. The available budget for this funding round is 52.2 million euros. The deadline for preliminary proposals is 11 September 2018.
For more information on the research programme, please go to: www.nwo.nl/nwa.
Curious about the origins of the Dutch National Research Agenda and research programme? This animated video illustrates the background story.
Submit your question
If you'd like to submit a question to be addressed in the Webinar, here are some basic guidelines to help ensure your question is qualified to be featured.
- If possible, please keep your question to 2 – 3 sentences in length.
- Please note that by submitting a question, you’re allowing us to share it publicly (along with your name) on the webinar.
- It's impossible to know how many questions will be submitted for each webinar, so we can't guarantee that we will get to everyone’s question during the session.
Please submit your question to nwa@nwo.nl.