The mission is led by Prime Minister Rutte, Minister Kaag (Foreign Trade & Development), Minister Schouten (Agriculture), and Minister Nieuwenhuizen (infrastructure). Hans de Boer, Chairman of VNO-NCW, will lead the business delegation.
Minister Bruins of Medical Care and Sports will lead the Life Sciences and Health mission.
India provides an interesting market for Dutch organisations in the Life Sciences & Health sector. It is the fastest growing BRICS economy and, with a population of 1.3bn, the second most populous country in the world. India’s middle class has recently expanded to 300mn people which leads to an increased demand for (high-quality) healthcare.
India’s total healthcare expenditure in 2017 was 114,9 billion USD. The country has 42.7666 hospitals of which some of the largest groups are based out of Delhi and Banalore. India has to deal with several healthcare challenges, such as an aging society, a rise in chronic diseases and a rise in lifestyle related diseases. To address these trends, the government invests in the increase of health insurance coverage, the expansion of primary healthcare, and to increase capacity to modernise the health infrastructure.
Interesting for?
Considering the need and challenges in India this mission will be interesting for Life Sciences and Health organisations in the field of:
- eHealth; Products and services within the domains of information- & communication technologies and telemedicine, which contribute to the efficiency, effectiveness, acces to, and digitalisation of the healthcare sector.
- Medical Devices; Products, devices, disposables and equipment within the healthcare sector.
- Public Health; Services and products that help create sustainable health policy systems, to increase healthcare capacity, accessibility, affordability and quality.
- BioPharma; Companies active in medical biotechnology.
The Mission
The Life Sciences & Health participants will visit the cities of New Delhi and Bangalore. The mission to India provides excellent opportunities to get (more) acquainted with the Indian Health Care sector and seek new opportunities for cooperation. You can expect the following program components during the mission:
(Please note that below items may be subject to change)
- Collective visits to relevant healthcare organisations and stakeholders in Delhi and Bangalore; such as public and private hospitals, government and insurance companies;
- Networking events, such as seminars and receptions;
- Bilateral meetings, with Indian stakeholders (at networking events) ;
- Trade Dinner together with Dutch and Indian officials and guests, the dinner will be with the entire delegation;
- MoU signing ceremony which provides you the opportunity to sign contracts within high level governmental presence;
- Full support from the Task Force Health Care Asia, RVO, the Dutch Embassy in New Delhi, the Dutch NBSO in Bangalore and the Dutch Ministry of Health Welfare & Sports;
- Knowledge Sharing and possibly cooperation with participants within the Dutch delegation;
Participation fee
€950,- per company (excl. VAT), max. 2 participants per company.
Please note! With more than two participants per company, the additional costs amount to €475 per additional participant. Travel and accommodation costs are for your own account. A travel agency has been asked to put together a travel arrangement.
You can register for this mission before April 18 via