15 - 19 November 2017
The Dutch Ministry of Health, Welfare & Sport, the Dutch Consulate in Guangzhou and Task Force Health Care China will organise an ‘Elderly Care Expert Visit’ around the China International Silver Industry Expo.
Positioned as China’s largest international exhibition in Silver Industry, Silver Expo is the most favourable elderly care yearly meet-up for Chinese and international public and private stakeholders in healthcare.
Guangzhou’s health authorities and private companies & investors have shown great interest in the Dutch Elderly Care system and it’s solutions. This visit aims to strengthen ties between the Dutch and Chinese elderly care sectors and create opportunities for Dutch companies and organisations in Elderly Care in China.
What to expect?
You will get the opportunity to participate in the collective Health~Holland booth at the Silver Expo, present yourself/your organization during Sino-Dutch Elderly Care Seminars with high-level Chinese invitees, be able to work towards projects or business opportunities during field visits and special meetings and you will be brought into contact with relevant stakeholders / business partners from Guangzhou and Shenzhen.