Date: 7 February
Time: 12:00-17:30
Location: The Hague
The Task Force Health Care, the Dutch Embassy in Nairobi and RVO have the pleasure of inviting you to the Seminar “Healthcare in Kenya and The Netherlands” on Tuesday 7th of February 2017. This event is organised as part of the visit of a high-level healthcare delegation from Kenya to the Netherlands.
What to expect?
The Kenyan delegation will consist of high-level representatives from the public and private health sector. After an introduction of the latest developments in the Kenyan health sector (provided by the invited delegation), you will have the opportunity to identify and discuss business opportunities for your organisation or consortium. Special attention will be given to opportunities in Medical Devices and the Supply Chain, eHealth, Training & Education, Hospital Build, and Health Financing.
Opportunities in Kenya
In 2016, Task Force Health Care (TFHC) and Kenya Healthcare Federation (KHF) performed a market study and fact-finding visit to identify opportunities for the Dutch Life Sciences & Health Sector in Kenya. The Kenyan healthcare sector is experiencing exciting times. The middle class has been growing, together with the economy, increasing the demand for quality accessible health services. The private sector has been vibrant with increased investments. At the same time, Kenya’s health sector faces enormous deficiencies in coverage and infrastructure. 32.5 million Kenyans lack any form of basic insurance and are treated in ill-equipped and poorly staffed facilities.
- Ten Reasons why Kenya is interesting for the Dutch health sector can be found here.
- The full Market Study report can be found here.
12:00 Registration and Networking Lunch
12:30 Welcome & Opening
12:45 Presentation(s) by Kenyan Delegation
13:15 Break-out sessions on business opportunities in Kenya (round I)
14:30 Coffee break
15:00 Break-out sessions on business opportunities in Kenya (round II)
16:15 Closing
16:30 Networking Reception
17:30 End
Registration for this seminar is mandatory and free of charge.
Please register before January 17th 2017 via this link.
More information
For more information, please contact Erik Pentinga ( +31 (0)70 21 99 007)