Drug Development Course - Utrecht Science Park
This mini-course on drug development provides an overview of the now-a-days drug development process. This process is complex and requires experts from various disciplines to steer a compound through the various stages of development. Coordinating the various multidisciplinary activities from one milestone to the next, adhering to timelines and budget restraints and dealing with complex regulations is a challenge, especially within a global environment. In this course you will be guided through the different aspects of drug development.
Practical information
Location: Auditorium David De Wied building, Universiteitsweg 99, Utrecht
Date: 5 October
9.00 - 9.30hr Drug Development Overview incl. global R&D Trends
9.30 – 10.15 hr Pharmaceutical Development (CMC)
10.15 – 11.00 hr Non-clinical Development incl. bridging to clinic
11.00 -11.15 hr Coffee Break
11.15 – 11.45 hr Early clinical Development (up to clinical Proof of Concept)
11.45 – 12.15 hr Entrepreneurship in development Wietse Mulder - GenDX
12.15 – 13.00 hr Lunch
13.00 – 13.30 hr Merus bispecific Ab development (speaker to be confirmed)
13:30 – 14:00 hr Biologics (NBE) vs Chemicals (NCE); where are the differences?
14.00 – 17.00 hr Round-up and 1-2-1 Free Q&A Opportunity
Course experts: Kees Groen, Ilonka van Hoof and Albert Mekking
1-2-1 Q&A Opportunity
After this course there will be a 1-2-1 Q&A Opportunity to ask questions about topics discussed in different modules and/or related to your company’s current drug development program(s) more specifically. This session will be hosted by the experts of Medicine Evaluation Board (CBG-MEB) and Kinesis Pharma BV
Additional information on the program and the 1-2-1 Q&A Opportunity
Registration, your questions and contact
Please register at the HollandBIO-website. Registration is free of charge.
We would like to invite attendees to forward their specific drug development questions beforehand for preparation and private discussion with the experts during 1-2-1 sessions (preferably before September 30th). For more information please contact Perry.Verzaal@Kinesis-Pharma.com.
Are you interested in organizing your event In Collaboration With HollandBIO too? Contact us at nieuws@HollandBIO.nl.