24 - 26 May
Tel Aviv, Israel
The IATI Biomed conference is the main annual meeting place for the Israeli healthcare industry and the rest of the world.
The Biomed Conference brings together top of the line biomedical researchers, multinational companies and startups from Israel and many other countries. The Israeli life sciences sector is unique in that it makes benefit of excellent research and innovation that is seen nowhere else in the world. At the Biomed conference, you will have the opportunity to experience this first hand and meet top researchers from all universities and research institutes in Israel as well as innovative startups. It is therefore highly recommended for you to attend the conference and be part of this excellent life science community.
For more information on the IATI Biomed Conference and registration, go to the website. Please read the report written by the Innovation Attaché at the Netherlands Embassy in Israel that will give further insight in the Israeli life sciences sector.