
Just Launched: Year in Preview 2020

Get a recap of the most important developments in the Dutch Life Sciences & Health sector and read what 2020 has to offer. Get inspired by the interviews that highlight the challenges of and opportunities for the realisation of the Health & Care missions, drawn up for the new mission-driven top sectors and innovation policy.
Just Launched: Year in Preview 2020

Funding Opportunities COVID-19 Research

COVID calls come and go quickly these days. Ttopstart keeps you up-to-date on COVID funding opportunities in this overview.
Funding Opportunities COVID-19 Research

Janssen Expects Clinical Research Corona Vaccine to Start in September

Johnson & Johnson announced the selection of a lead COVID-19 vaccine candidate from constructs it has been working on since January 2020; the significant expansion of the existing partnership between Janssen and the Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority (BARDA); and the rapid scaling of the Company’s manufacturing capacity with the goal of providing global supply of more than one billion doses of a vaccine.
Janssen Expects Clinical Research Corona Vaccine to Start in September

MIT COVID-19 Challenge

You are invited to attend the MIT COVID-19 Challenge event, Beat the Pandemic, a series of virtual hackathons. The next event is April 3-5, 2020. In this 48-hour virtual event, we will help tackle the most critical unmet needs caused by the COVID-19 outbreak.
MIT COVID-19 Challenge

Temporary IC units due to COVID-19

Sinds enkele weken dienen de Nederlandse ziekenhuizen als decor voor de strijd tegen COVID-19. Op de Intensive Care (IC) stijgt het aantal coronapatiënten sneller dan het aantal IC-bedden. De capaciteit van de huidige 1150 beschikbare IC-bedden zal naar verwachting van het RIVM op korte termijn veel te weinig zijn. Gortemaker Algra Feenstra (GAF) heeft in samenwerking met Interflow een plan opgesteld voor het realiseren van tijdelijke IC-plaatsen.
Temporary IC units due to COVID-19

Special Announcement COVID-19

Top Sector Life Sciences & Health (Health~Holland) intends to invest in the field of COVID-19. If you have a high end public-private research proposal in the field of COVID-19, we are inviting you to send us an e-mail.
Special Announcement COVID-19

Health-RI Facilitating COVID-19 Research

Health-RI launched the Dutch Covid-19 Research Data Support Programme. To support investigators and health care professionals with tools and services in their search for ways to overcome the pandemic and its health consequences.
Health-RI Facilitating COVID-19 Research

SET: Extension for Coronavirus

Aanbieders van zorg of ondersteuning die rond de coronacrisis extra willen inzetten op digitale zorg op afstand voor mensen thuis, kunnen in aanmerking komen voor de uitbreiding van de SET-regeling. Deze uitbreiding voorziet in digitale toepassingen bedoeld voor cliënten of hun mantelzorgers.
SET: Extension for Coronavirus

Capacity COVID Registry

COVID-19 patients with cardiovascular disease are an extremely vulnerable population. To give these patients the best possible care and to be prepared for future outbreaks, we need to know more about these patients and the best practices for treating them. Therefore DCVA partners launched the CAPACITY COVID Registry.
Capacity COVID Registry

Call Open: HHINT Kickstarter for Public-Private Partnerships

The Dutch have a long tradition of investing in international cooperation. Investing in an international network can provide a significant acceleration of research and development (R&D). Sharing knowledge between international partners helps to better identify the end users and supports valorisation and export.
Call Open: HHINT Kickstarter for Public-Private Partnerships