
New medication: shorter time to market

De ‘time to market’ voor nieuwe medicijnen kan ruim één jaar korter. Patiënten kunnen zo sneller over nieuwe geneesmiddelen beschikken. Actal, het Adviescollege toetsing regeldruk, adviseert de minister van Volksgezondheid, Welzijn en Sport om de onnodige belemmeringen in Europese en nationale regelgeving en in de uitvoeringspraktijk weg te nemen.
New medication: shorter time to market

The Netherlands #1 European Health System according to Health Consumer Powerhouse

In 2014 the Dutch health care system is awarded, for a third time in a row, as best European health care system in the annual research of think tank Health Consumer Powerhouse (HCP). With a resounding score of 898 out of a possible 1000 points our country set an all-time record. An achievement to be proud of!
The Netherlands #1 European Health System according to Health Consumer Powerhouse

FICHe eHealth accelerator enters final phase with 20 companies

The FICHe eHealth accelerator has announced the 20 companies that will enter the third and final phase of the program. The final phase will be a 7-month mentorship period and each company will receive up to € 152.000 in working capital.
FICHe eHealth accelerator enters final phase with 20 companies

Opportunities at K-Hospital Event South Korea

Van 10 tot 13 september wordt in Goyang (Zuid-Korea) de K-Hospital fair gehouden. Het event focust zich op de ziekenhuisindustrie, waarbij onder andere medische apparatuur, ziekenhuisbouw, medicijnen, wearable devices, ziekenhuis solutions en medische IT technologie centraal staan. De organisatie van het K-Hospital event is geïnteresseerd in Nederlandse bedrijven die actief zijn in de simulation & serious gaming industrie. De interesse gaat uit naar de Nederlandse expertise in serious en applied games voor arts training, ouderenzorg en revalidatie.
Opportunities at K-Hospital Event South Korea

Rockstart Digital Health Accelerator Programme

Are you building a digital health company and are you passionate about making a sustainable impact on people’s health? Join our Digital Health Accelerator program where we help you build, validate and scale your digital health startup and find the best international product/market fit.
Rockstart Digital Health Accelerator Programme

Development and Time Schedule Knowledge and Innovation Contract

From this week on the Top Team and bureau will start the development of the Knowledge and Innovation Contract 2016-2017. Read more on the time schedule and contact information.
Development and Time Schedule Knowledge and Innovation Contract

Cristal Therapeutics and PX Biosolutions to Develop Vaccines Based on CriVac® Nanotech Platform

Cristal Therapeutics, a privately-held life sciences company developing innovative products against cancer and other diseases, by using its patented nanotechnology platforms, announced the start of a collaboration with PX Biosolutions (Melbourne, Australia). The joint research and development is focussed on the application of Cristal Therapeutics’ vaccine technology CriVac® for the design of innovative vaccines.
Cristal Therapeutics and PX Biosolutions to Develop Vaccines Based on CriVac® Nanotech Platform

Congres upscaling E-Health was a success

Hoe vermarkt je innovaties op het gebied van e-health? Daarover discussieerden op 23 juni zo’n 150 ondernemers, zorgverleners, verzekeraars en financiers tijdens een netwerkbijeenkomst van Zorg voor innoveren in de Utrechtse Jaarbeurs.
Congres upscaling E-Health was a success

CiMaas and PharmaCell Enter a Collaborative Agreement

CiMaas BV, a company developing cellular immunotherapy for cancer, and PharmaCell BV, a leading Contract Manufacturing Organization for Cellular Therapies and Regenerative Medicine in Europe, have agreed to collaborate in the clinical development of CiMaas’ products.
CiMaas and PharmaCell Enter a Collaborative Agreement

Proeftuin ZH Noord formulated partnerships and infrastructure

GEZONDE ZORG, GEZONDE REGIO – De samenwerking is nu geformaliseerd en de infrastructuur is gecreëerd. Momenteel ontwikkelen multidisciplinaire werkgroepen interventies die de zorg met de juiste stuurinformatie effectiever en doelmatiger maken. Met de patiënt ‘in the lead’.
Proeftuin ZH Noord formulated partnerships and infrastructure