Join the LIFE Science Conference on September 24th!
On September 24, 2024 the LIFE Cooperative is organizing the third edition of the Life Sciences Conference in the Forum Groningen. You are cordially invited to the conference, with this year’s theme: Data Science for Life Science.
The Life Sciences & Health sector is booming in the Northern Netherlands, with impact worldwide. During the Conference, we would like to showcase this impact, with two keynote sessions, celebrating the success of companies within 10 years LIFE Cooperative and of course the ceremony of the Innovation Award! Check out the first outlines of the program in the menu. For questions please contact
This event is Powered by Health~Holland, Top Sector Life Sciences & Health, Municipality of Groningen, Bedrijvenvereniging WEST and NV NOM.
In the context of the theme the conference has two keynote speakers. The first keynote speaker of the day will be prof. dr. Wiro Niessen (Decaan Faculteit Medische Wetenschappen RUG, Lid Raad van Bestuur UMCG, Captain of Science, Topteam Topsector Life Sciences & Health).
And the second keynote speaker will be none other than prof. dr. Marcel Levi (President Executive Board, Dutch Research Council (NWO) Professor of Medicine, University of Amsterdam (NL) Professor of Medicine, University College London (UK)). Both will share their insights, knowledge and expertise in the field of Life Sciences.
For more information on the program and registration go to the event page via this link.
Source: Life cooperative