Do you want to propel your start-up or innovative project to new heights? A collaboration or partnership with a large medtech or pharma company might be a valuable opportunity to explore. Depending on your needs, it could provide access to funding, resources, expertise, and networks which are otherwise might otherwise remain out of reach. In turn this could help to speed up development and enhance the overall probability of regulatory approval and market success for a new healthcare intervention, thus de-risking the overall development.
To a start-up company , the process of building a collaboration with a large healthcare company might seem daunting and the criteria used for assessing potential deals unclear. During this Johnson & Johnson Innovation – JLABS program we will demystify what due diligence entails, what the pitfalls are and how you might set yourself up for success.
During the session we aim to provide a start-up’s guide that dives into the intricacies of due diligence, a crucial step in exploring the potential of a collaboration or partnership between a start-up and pharma or medtech company such as Johnson & Johnson.
Here's what you can expect:
Step-by-step guidance: We will cover what to expect during due diligence, covering both the process and the type of information companies are likely to review including scientific data, financials and IP.
Insights from industry insiders: A panel of experts with different experiences will share their role in the due diligence process and what they are looking for specifically, including tips, do’s and don’ts. What are the go/no-go criteria to move ahead towards a non-binding term sheet?
Real-life experience: We’ll be joined by entrepreneurs who have gone through the due diligence process successfully. They will share what it was like for them and discuss their views on how start-ups might set themselves up for success.
For in-person attendees there will be an opportunity to engage directly with our panel of experts and speakers following the plenary session to get answers to their burning questions.
13:45 CEST | Visitors registration open
14:15 CEST | The Johnson & Johnson Innovation collaboration model
- Tess Korthout | Early Innovation Partner, J&J
14:30 CEST | Due diligence as part of the transactions process
- Prabhu Velusami | Senior Director Early Innovation Partnering, J&J
- Lior Teitelbaum | Senior Director, Johnson & Johnson Innovation – JJDC*
15:00 CEST | Expert fire-side chat - reviewing the data
- Peter Roevens | External Innovation Partner, J&J
- Roy De Maesschalck | CMC Leader, J&J
- Additional J&J speaker to be announced
15:15 CEST | Start-up support during due diligence
- Eleanor Price | Associate, Thuja Capital
15:30 CEST | Break
15:45 CEST | Panel discussion
- Kurt Pike | Senior Director External Innovation, J&J
- Geert van Gansewinkel | General Manager, GATT
- Louise Hoppel | Director of Operations, Protinhi Therapeutics
- Prabhu Velusami | Senior Director Early Innovation Partnering, J&J (moderator)
16:30 CEST | Audience Q&A
16:45 CEST | Extended informal Q&A
In-person attendees only
17:45 CEST | Close
*) Will attend virtually
**) Final confirmation pending
Source: Johnson & Johnson