Are you interested in exploring the UK healthcare system, or do you want to get connected to key healthcare stakeholders in the area of Cheshire and Merseyside? Then the upcoming Life Sciences & Health mission to Liverpool is of interest to you. It is organised by the Task Force Health Care and will take place from the 4th until the 6th of October 2023.
During this visit, various healthcare stakeholders in Liverpool and Manchester will be visited, among others public, private and academic hospitals, knowledge- and research institutes and important health networks.
About the UK
In 2021, the UK spent a significant amount on healthcare compared to 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Cheshire and Merseyside have a population of 2.5 million people in need of care. Both areas are attractive partners for collaboration given its geographical proximity to the Netherlands, similar culture, and patient- or society-oriented approach, which makes follow-up and collaboration easy. Both areas are attractive destinations to enter the UK because of the presence of many innovative healthcare providers and the large Manchester and Liverpool University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trusts. Digitalisation and new technology, often driven by artificial intelligence and robotics, are believed to be critical enablers to ensure accessibility, affordability and quality of care. By investing in them now, we can help put the Netherlands in an excellent starting position to benefit together from the UK’s massive investment on LSH innovations.
Additional market information can be found in the market report LSH UK (published in 2019).
What to expect?
The fact-finding visit focuses on exploring opportunities and areas for collaboration between the UK and the Netherlands in the areas of eHealth, Medical Technology and Healthy Ageing.
The programme is still under development but will include the following elements:
- Site visits in Liverpool, to public and private hospitals and relevant health networks.
- Health seminar including key stakeholders from Liverpool and surrounding areas on how to do business in the UK; the private and public healthcare system, technology trends and possible collaboration opportunities in themes centered around eHealth, medical technology and healthy ageing.
- Networking activities with both public and private local stakeholders
To increase the quality and success of the mission, an individual intake call and a joint preparation session will be organized.
After this trade mission, you will be able to strengthen your…
- … knowledge of opportunities for your specific product/service in the UK.
- … entry strategy/sales & marketing strategy for your specific product/service.
- … network of key opinion leaders and possible partners in the UK LSH sector.
- … (further) develop projects and/or sustainable business relationships in the UK.
Participation fee
The cost of participating in this exploratory visit is as follows:
- TFHC Partner: € 950,- (excl. VAT), per person.
- Non-TFHC Partner: € 1.150, – (excl. VAT), per person .
This fee includes participation in the collective programme, lunches and dinners when included as part of the programme and local support by the organising parties. This fee excludes travel and accommodation costs (such as hotels, international and domestic transport) and all individual costs, such as lunches and dinners outside the programme.
As this is a privately organised mission, you may be eligible for the Netherlands Enterprise Agency’s (RVO’s) Support International Business (SIB) Grant to (partly) fund your activities to increase your business opportunities in a specific foreign country. For more information and application for the SIB grant, please visit the website of RVO.
If you want to be part of the Dutch LSH delegation, please register before 30 June 2023. Early registration will give you the opportunity to express any special interest in stakeholder engagement to be considered during the finetuning of the programme.
For more information please visit the TFHC website.
COVID-19 Clause
If any new developments occur with regards to COVID-19, there is a risk that the mission cannot take place on the planned date. A Go/No-Go will be given 6 weeks prior to the mission. If the travel advice changes to orange (necessary travels only), the mission will be cancelled or postponed.