IP strategies for Life Sciences start-ups
Hajo Kraak, patent attorney and partner at V.O. Patents & Trademarks and two company representatives will be joining this expert Class to discuss intellectual property strategies for life science start-ups. They will talk about constructing a robust life science IP portfolio, as well as strategies used by start-ups to build a moat around your business & technology in order maximize your competitive advantage. Topics will include provisional vs non-provisional patents, PCT filings, deciding when to use patents vs trade secrets, establishing freedom to operate, managing IP, leveraging licensing opportunities, and strategies for filing patents.
The expert class program is set up in an interactive way such that the participants have also the possibility to bring their own questions and discuss issues they encounter in their own (start-up) company. The experts will give you feedback on your questions.
We ask all participants to send their questions not later than November 16 to leon.mur@iventus.nl.
Date and Time: November 18th 2022, 13.00 – 18.00 hrs.
Venue: Seats2meet, Utrecht Centraal. Moreelsepark 65, Utrecht, Nederland
- 13.00 hrs. Welcome
- 13.30 hrs. Start Expert Class by Leon Mur (moderator)
- Pitch participants (2 min. per participant):
- Company presentation
- Share questions and/or issues on the topic
- Pitch participants (2 min. per participant):
- 14.00 hrs. Start presentations
- 16.15 hrs. Discuss questions and issues from participants with the experts
- 17.15 hrs. Drinks, bites and networking!
- 18.00 hrs. End of Expert Class
LifeSciences@Work Expert Classes are a series of targeted (virtual) workshops organized in close collaboration with industry and academic experts
- The small-scale and personalized Expert Classes welcome Venture Challenge Alumni, Value Centre Alumni and NWO Take off Alumni.
- New early startups not (yet) part of our LS@W community but interested to join are also very welcome, provided there is a match with the LS@W community profile.
- Participation is free-of-charge for startup teams.
Registration is needed to attend!
Please send an e-mail to miranda.de.regt@iventus.nl to receive your confirmation and additional final information.
Source: LifeSciences@Work