From 24-28 October, in the context of Leiden 2022: European City of Science, there will be a week dedicated to FAIR implementation and specifically to FAIR Digital Objects as the core ‘machine actionable units of information’ necessary to build an Internet and Web of FAIR data and services. The week features two closely related events: the 2nd FAIR Convergence Symposium (24-26 October) and the 1st International Conference on FAIR Digital Objects (26-28 October). The two events will explore the contention that the FAIR guiding principles, and their application through FAIR Digital Objects, are important steps to maximise the machine actionability of data and other information.
The co-organisers of the 2nd FAIR Convergence Symposium, CODATA and GO FAIR, agreed that this years’ edition will concentrate on smaller, high-priority, strategic and working meetings to encourage convergence on and implementation of FAIR, rather than convening a large open symposium so soon after International Data Week and in the context of ongoing challenges for intercontinental travel.
Most of the meetings will be organised as hybrid events, allowing for both in-person and online participation.
The following meetings and events are being planned and should form the FAIR Convergence part of the week:
- Series of meetings to introduce and discuss FAIR Enabling Resources available for reuse by other domains (so called ‘wheel’ meetings);
- Plenary meeting of WorldFAIR case studies, targeted in particular on outcomes of the FAIR Implementation Profile workshops organised as part of the project deliverables;
- In-person meeting of the Open Science Clouds Executives Roundtable (OSCER), a group of OSC executives convened following agreement to create such a group at the 1st FAIR Convergence Symposium;
- Meeting of Directors (and key staff) of the GO FAIR National Support Offices; Workshop convened by the CODATA International Data Policy Committee.
- Invitations and information about participation will be shared with appropriate groups and committees under CODATA and as well with active implementation networks and other relevant audiences of GO FAIR.
The above list is not exhaustive and other interactive and working meetings may be added to contribute to convergence on selected aspects of FAIR implementation.
CODATA may also organise fully virtual pre-events leading to the FAIR week of Leiden, in particular the regular All Hands Meeting of the Global Open Science Clouds Initiative or session(s) of selected ISC Unions that were unable to run domain sessions during SciDataCon 2022 given the time zone of that conference.
Source: GO FAIR