Task Force Health Care and Health~Holland are excited to announce the date for their very own unique event. The World of Health Care (WoHC) will physically take place on Wednesday 28 September! That is why we would like to ask you to book this day in your agenda.
World of Health Care is the signature event for the Dutch life sciences & sector with international ambitions. The Dutch government, the Dutch diplomatic network and Task Force Health Care are combining forces again to position, promote and connect the Dutch life sciences & health sector abroad.
3 reasons to be there
There are limited spots available for this event, as we’ll organise it physically. Let these 3 reasons persuade you to attend:
- Learn about the latest health care trends and developments.
- Connect with foreign decision-makers in health & business ecosystems abroad.
- Be part of building resilient future-proof healthcare systems.
Draft Programme
13.00 Arrival external guests (150/200)
- Plenaire kick-off and welcome speeches
- Breakout sessions Round 1 (2x 60 pax) – International speakers & panellists
- Breakout sessions Round 2 (2x 60 pax) – International speakers & panellists
- Plenaire closure
17.00 Networking drink with bites
18.30 Walking dinner. Invitation only. International delegates & TFHC partners
Join us!
The event is the ideal opportunity to network and meet Dutch and foreign LSH stakeholders and entrepreneurs.
Get your ticket!
Make sure you’ll be there and acquire your ticket (€75 excl. VAT) now!
This ticket allows you access to:
- the physical WoHC event in Bruno Roommate in Rotterdam on 28 September
- ánd our online platform.
The platform provides international networking and matchmaking. Good to know: You can already start matchmaking from 19 September until 19 October 2022.
Interested? More information can be found here!
Check out the previous editions of the WoHC.
Source: Task Force Health Care