Many lower and middle income countries (LIMC’s) lack resilient healthcare systems that can ensure access to healthcare for all. Concurrently, implementing high impact sustainable healthcare projects with the appropriate funding is challenging. This seminar focusses on developments in financing instruments to support Dutch organisations that want to support countries to develop innovative and sustainable health systems.
“Even though most impact can be created by investing in primary care facilities that enable treating people at the lowest level in the health chain, we also encourage the shift from cure to prevention and the growing scale of eHealth. Together with renowned specialist companies from the Netherlands we intend to make more pioneering investments financeable.”
- Invest International – Healthcare
What to expect?
- Overview of Dutch solutions for developing and financing health projects abroad (trade & investment focus)
- Insights into key criteria, successful projects and lessons learned
- Share and discuss your project financing bottlenecks
- Discuss your project proposal with financing experts
- Moderation: Micha van Lin – Director ~ Task Force Health Care
- Welcome and introduction – Jasper Klapwijk – Business Development Manager & Health Lead ~ Invest International
- Developments in the Dutch landscape for policy & financing – Steven Collet – Director and Ambassador for Business & Development ~ Ministry of Foreign Affairs
- Aligning financial instruments for sustainable healthcare investments -Monique Dolfing-Vogelenzang – Manager Strategy & Partnerships ~ Invest International
- Q&A
- Entrepreneurs sharing practical experiences (companies to be announced)
- Q&A with expert panel on improving impact
- Opportunity for one-on-one discussions and networking
Register today!
Please register here for the Financing International Healthcare Projects seminar. We are looking forward to seeing you on 2 June 2022!
- In view of of the limited space a maximum of 2 persons per organisation is allowed.
- The event is free of charge, but no-show without cancellation leads to a €50,- fee.
This seminar is organised by Invest International and Task Force Health (THFC) and Powered by Health~Holland.
Practical information
This event will be held on 2 June in the Malietoren in The Hague:
Bezuidenhoutseweg 12
2594 AV The Hague
The Netherlands
Time: 3:00 PM - 5:00 PM
Source: Task Force Health Care