On the 20th of June Task Force Health Care will welcome the Danish Minister for Health, Magnus Heunicke, the Danish Minister for Climate, Energy and Utilities, Dan Jørgensen, and a high-level delegation of 30 leading Danish companies under the theme “Partnering for Green and Smart Solutions”. These companies represent some of the largest and most innovative Danish players within the fields of HealthTech & MedTech, e.g.
There is a morning programme ‘High Level Danish Dutch Business Day’ and an afternoon programme.
Programme morning
From 8 AM to 1.15 PM the High Level Danish Dutch Business Day takes place at The Hague Conference Centre New Babylon. If you like to attend this event, please register through this link before 7 June 2022. For further information, please find the programme below.
08:00 – 09.00 Registration and Welcome Coffee
Kindly note that registration closes at 08.30.
09.00 – 09.40 Grand Opening HealthTech & MedTech
Opening speeches by representatives of the Danish and Dutch governments and business sector.
Panel Debate on “Smart Hospital and Future Healthcare”. Members of the panel will include the Secretary General of The Ministry of Health, Welfare, and Sport of the Netherlands, representatives of Dutch innovative hospitals, as well as Danish and Dutch companies. It will be possible to ask questions to the Panel.
11.45 – 13.15 Network Lunch and Company Exhibitions
The networking event will encourage open and active dialogue, while there will be a display of products and demonstration of skills by our high-level business delegation.
Programme afternoon
Networking session/lunch
Presentation Dutch healthcare sector
Roundtable Digitalisation and Technology in Healthcare
Networking session
Source: Task Force Health Care