Are you interested in the opportunities that international financial institutes (IFI) offer in Romania and Uzbekistan's Life Sciences & Health (LSH) sector? Then join the webinar on 12 May from 9:30 - 11:00 CEST. During this event, a unique report on this market will be presented.
Many international organisations and multilateral banks have formulated massive support packages for client countries in response to the COVID pandemic and the related economic and social crisis. The majority of these support packages consist of 1) budget support, and 2) investments in health systems to increase the pandemic preparedness of the developing countries. Over the course of the pandemic, the IFIs have moved out of the initial ‘emergency response’ phase (budget support) and moved to investments in the countries’ health systems and health infrastructure.
RVO/TIO commissioned a market research to map the recent developments in the countries and investments of the IFIs in the health care sector in Romania and Uzbekistan. The study takes an in-depth look into the opportunities that stem from the investments made by the IFIs that are active in these countries: World Bank, IFC, EBRD, EIB, EU, and ADB.
- Arthur ten Have, Founder Orange Health Consultants: Presentation market study
- Panel discussion and Q&A
For whom?
Dutch private sector and organisations that are interested in working in the Health sector in Eastern Europe and Central Asia and have an interest in the opportunities the different IFIs have to offer.
Please register through this link Webinar: Presentation market study Life Sciences & Health Romania and Uzbekistan | You will be sent a confirmation with the link to the virtual event after your registration.
If you have any questions about this event, please contact Team International Organizations at
Source: RVO