The 6th world congress of the Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine International Society (TERMIS2021) will take place 15 - 19 November 2021 in Maastricht, the Netherlands.
Maastricht is at the center of a fervid European region in the field of tissue engineering and regenerative medicine, encompassing more than 4 centers of excellence, including Prometheus at KU Leuven, GIGA, at the University of Liege, the Center for Biohybrid Medical Systems at RWTH Aachen, and the MERLN Institute at Maastricht University. The close vicinity with different incubator campuses allows these centers to also have the required support to translate research to the clinic through the market.
The general theme of the congress is “Biologically inspired technology driven regenerative medicine”, which is fully reflected in the 9 parallel thematic sessions to which you can submit abstracts for oral and poster presentation. The congress program also consists of a number of special sessions, including national societies sessions, SYIS sessions, industrial sessions, clinical sessions, European Project sessions, lunch workshops, and our usual business plan competition.
More information to be announced.
Source: TERMIS
The congress equally foresees ample opportunities for networking, including a social dinner, and a SYIS networking evening for young members.