After 1,5 years of online meetings, we are very happy to announce that MedetchPartners will organise our next meeting offline in person again! We will be hosting the MedtechMeeting, on the 9th of September, together with our partner Spark Design in Rotterdam.
There will be limited seating for 50 people, and we will be using the "Testen voor Toegang" system. This means that, aside from signing up, you will need to bring a working QR-code in the CoronaCheck app and your identification.
To sign up for the physical meeting please enroll for this event!
Spark Design & Innovation
"We design and develop meaningful and sustainable breakthrough products"
"Every idea deserves to be nurtured with the understanding and skills that give it the best possible chance at success. At Spark, we've been doing exactly that for over 25 years. By embracing each idea without hijacking it. By testing with prototypes early and often, thus literally giving the idea its physical form.
By occasionally pulling the brakes or being obstructive when ambition and feasibility come too far apart. But above all, we do this by giving every idea the best of our multidisciplinary expertise and abilities in product development, design and strategy."
Source: MedtechPartners