On Thursday April 22nd, we are looking forward to welcoming you to the first DigitalHealthMeeting of 2021! Three entrepeneurs will pitch their digital health innovations and will be looking for new collaborations.
Digital solutions play an increasingly important role in healthcare, many new medical innovations are software related or otherwise digital in nature. To support innovative entrepreneurs that are developing a digital health innovation the MedtechPartners Foundation (powered by Health~Holland) is launching a new network: DigitalHealthPartners. The private network is a joined force of medical companies, service providers, knowledge institutes and investors. The network supports digital health entrepreneurs through online and offline matchmaking and collaboration.
Every quarter of the year a selection of entrepreneurs get the chance to pitch their innovation to the partner network and ask their help questions. The new collaborations that arise at these DigitalHealthMeetings help entrepreneurs along the development path towards a successful market introduction. We’re looking forward to launching the DigitalHealthPartners next week, the first meeting will take place on Thursday April the 22nd. Interested in joining? Register here.
Source: MedtechPartners