Team International Organisations (TIO) of the Netherlands Enterprise Agency (RVO) and the Royal Netherlands Embassy in Washington kindly invite you to a webinar hosted in close cooperation with the World Bank Group on upcoming opportunities in the Health (and Logistics) sector: COVID-19 vaccine delivery and strengthening health systems. This webinar is the third session of the webinar series: World Bank Group and COVID-19. This webinar will take place on Monday 1 March, 2.30 – 3.45 PM (CET) via Zoom. Please register here.
Lives and economies are impacted by the direct and indirect consequences of the pandemic. The rapid response of the World Bank Group and other multilateral organisations included substantial investment, finance, and support packages to governments of developing countries and emerging markets. The crisis demands fast paced and large scale action.
To inform the Dutch private sector on the response of the World Bank Group on COVID-19 and the impact of the pandemic on investments and projects, Team International Organisations (TIO) of RVO and the Netherlands Embassy in Washington organises a webinar series together with the World Bank Group. Experts from the World Bank Group share their insights on the latest developments and opportunities in the most important sectors.
The upcoming session will emphasise the opportunities in the Health sector, and will also include specific opportunities for the Logistics sector. The focus of this event will be on topics for which the World Bank Group sees opportunities for cooperation with the Dutch private sector in 2021: strengthening health systems and vaccine delivery. The latter is to be interpreted in the broad sense: including facility readiness, supply chains, cold storage, logistics, training of staff etc.
Preliminary outline of the webinar
- Brief introduction
- World Bank: impact of COVID on health systems, dialogue with client governments, vaccine delivery and distribution (incl. facility readiness);
- World Bank: private sector engagement, supply chain, and procurement in the Bank’s COVID response in the health sector;
- IFC: manufacturing and distribution vaccines, and IFC COVID response for non-client companies;
- World Bank: Global Financing Facility or health innovations;
- Q&A
Please register through this link.
After registering you will receive an email with the log-in data for the webinar.
Next webinars
Later this year we are planning on expanding the series with the sectors Energy, Waste, and Agriculture (dates tbd). If you are interested to add a specific sector to the series, please contact RVO.
If you are not able to attend this session, but would like to stay informed on the rest of the series, you can send an email to
Source: RVO