Together with partner Iquality and professor Shahid Ali from England, Health Valley is organising this webinar. Shahid Ali is an inspirational and experienced strategic clinical leader with a national and international reputation in how digital innovations such as digital platforms, telehealth and telemedicine can enable the transformation of health and wellbeing services in large populations. He works as a general practitioner/specialist in cardio-diabetes and has an excellent understanding of how changes made at the national level impact on ‘front line’ organisations and individuals delivering healthcare.
Online interfaces have brought us a big advantage because service providers are able to offer information on their websites for access by users at any time of the day. Digital technologies have successfully transformed most sectors of society - ranging from finance to entertainment - with one prominent exception, healthcare. The need for personalised, on-demand (online) information and guidance is growing. How have patient needs changed over the years and how can we accommodate those needs? The first part of this webinar will dive deeper into the transformation of online information, digital interfaces and user needs.
The second part of the webinar will showcase how digital health has and will continue to transform healthcare services using evidence- based examples.
People are living longer with greater morbidity which increases both the financial and capacity burden on healthcare systems across the world. There is strong evidence showing that patient engagement using digital health can yield better health outcomes and productivity in healthcare systems when implemented at scale.
The Covid-19 pandemic has stimulated and started to embed remote working into healthcare systems. Whilst manpower and skill mix are important the opportunity to now firmly embed the use of digital health into routine working needs to be consolidated. This presentation will showcase how digital health technologies and AI can revolutionise patient care and healthcare services to manage demand, improve patient outcomes and increase productivity in health care systems around the world.
23 June from 15.00-16.00 PM. Register here if interested.
Source: Health Valley