Now open for registration: Third Annual Conference ‘Lifestyle as Medicine’ – Person empowered lifestyle medicine on the 4th of March 2020, at Beeld en Geluid Den Haag, Zeestraat 82, the Hague. Organized by LUMC and TNO.
This year, the conference takes an empowerment approach to lifestyle medicine. An excellent line-up of (inter)national invited faculty will showcase innovative viewpoints, research, practical experience and calls to action for person empowered lifestyle medicine, in which each patient feels enabled and adequately supported to take the lead in his/her own health.
The full programme can be accessed here. Highlights of this year’s programme are:
- dr. Semiha Denktaş will kick off by sharing her vision on humans, behaviour and health in a changing environment. Followed by occupational health physician Hinke Anja Werkman who is trying to reverse type 2 diabetes in employees working nightshifts.
- Next up are four representatives of lifestyle interventions in the Netherlands (Slimmer, Herstelcirkel in de wijk, Keer Diabetes2 Om, Nationale Diabetes Challenge). In a panel, these four will discuss how the group-based intervention programs are empowering individuals.
- These national insights will be combined with presentations of scientists from abroad. From the group of Prof. Eran Segal, Orly Ben-Yacov will provide insight into personalised nutrition for prediabetes, based on their Israeli research into prediction of glycemic responses. Prof. Mike Trenell will provide insight into the science behind Changing Health, preferred NHS-supplier in the UK for digital coaching of people with type 2 diabetes.
- A deep dive will be taken into organ-health as the biological underlier of lifestyle medicine. Prof. Liesbeth van Rossum will share the surprising science behind the body’s most misunderstood organ: fat. And Anne-Margreeth Krijger will explain diabetes-2-subtyping for personalising diabetes treatment, which takes into account organ functioning.
- To elaborate on how personal health data can support people with chronic diseases in lifestyle medicine, Prof. Gerjan Navis, Robbert van Bokhoven and Dennis Mook will shed their light.
- At the end of the day, Prof. Dr. Kees van Laarhoven will explain the imperfection of the surgical fix and the need for healthcare redesign. And Rens Vandeberg will close the conference with his outlook on working together in lifestyle medicine research.
Chairman of the conference is Piet-Hein Peeters. He will be accompanied by Angela de Rooij (Diabetes Vereniging Nederland) who will act as side kick to Piet-Hein. Angela will give her opinion from the perspective of people with a chronic disease and will ask the questions that matter to people trying to self-manage health and lifestyle.
To register, please click here.
Source: Lifestyle 4 Health