At this year’s Health-RI conference, leading experts will highlight how data is helping us to remain healthy, and how it can drive us towards a healthy future.
Keynote lecture:
Personalized Medicine and the Power of Electronic Health Records
Dr. Eimear E. Kenny, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, New York
Now hosting the FAIRstival, an event to exchange experiences with the implementation of FAIR data principles and the Personal Health Train.
Towards data driven health
How do we keep people healthy? How do we give the right treatment at the right time, tailormade? How can we learn from today’s patients so that tomorrow’s patients get better treatment?
It’s a matter of continuous learning and improvement – evidence based with the help of enormous amounts of data in different formats and from various sources. We’re already learning how to combine that data in clever ways, tailoring it to specific situations and applying it to our everyday health choices.
During the event, there will be ample time to discuss the enablers and challenges on the road to data-driven health.
Call for abstracts
Share your expertise, experience and ideas.
The Health-RI 2020 conference will host a poster & demonstration session and the opportunity for short plenary pitches. The poster session will be combined with an informal walking lunch.
For more information, please check our abstract submission guidelines.
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