On the 7th of June, the Task Force Health Care (TFHC), the Netherlands Business Support Office (NBSO) Houston and the Netherlands Enterprise Agency (RVO) have the pleasure of inviting you to the Launch event of the Healthcare Market Study for Texas.
TFHC was commissioned by RVO to perform a healthcare market study for Texas in collaboration with NBSO Houston. The launch of this study marks an important first step to strengthen the bilateral healthcare relations between Texas and the Netherlands.
Did you know that Texas can be characterized by its.
- Huge Market: US 2nd biggest state in size and population (28.7 million people) and has the 10th largest economy (1.706 trillion GDP) in the world.
- Epic Centre of Health: home to most healthcare professionals and health clinics, amongst others the world’s largest medical centre (Texas Medical Centre/TMC), world’s largest children’s hospital (Texas Children’s Hospital) and world’s largest cancer hospital (MD Anderson Cancer Centre).
- Health Giants: although the healthcare market is very scattered, every health system (hospital) in Texas is larger than any hospital in the Netherlands serving very large regions and populations.
Preliminary programme
- 15:30 Registration with coffee/tea
- 15:45 Welcome & Opening - Stephan van de Wall, Senior Advisor Netherlands Enterprise Agency (RVO)
- 15:50 Doing Business in Texas - Saskia Pardaans, Chief Representative Netherlands Business Support Office (NBSO) Houston
- 16:05 Top 10 Reasons: Why Texas is Interesting for the Dutch LSH sector - Mieke Flierhuis, Programme Manager Task Force Health Care (TFHC)
- 16:20 Experience in Doing Business in Texas Shawna Butler RN MBA, Faculty Singularity University + Exponential Medicine and EntrepreNURSE-in-Residence, Radboud UMC REshape Innovation Center
- 16:40 Interactive Q&A
- 17:00 Network drinks
Registration for this inspiration session is mandatory and free of charge.
Please register through this link before June 1st.
More information
Please contact Mieke Flierhuis:mieke.flierhuis@tfhc.nl or 070-219 9009