Get informed on the latest developments in India, listen to experiences from organisations already active in India, network with like-minded organisations and find out what the India Platform of the Task Force Health Care (TFHC) can do for your organisation.
Opportunities in India
India provides an interesting market for Dutch organisations in the Life Sciences & Health sector. It is the fastest growing BRICS economy and, with a population of 1.3bn, the second most populous country in the world. Not only is the general population vast, India’s middle class has recently expanded to 300mn people which leads to an increased demand for (high-quality) healthcare. India has to deal with several healthcare challenges such as infectious diseases like malaria, tuberculosis and leprosy. Furthermore, lifestyle related diseases are also on the rise, with increasing numbers of cancer, diabetes and cardiovascular diseases. According to the WHO, India will account for 60% of all heart disease by 2020. To counter these trends, the government has launched plans to increase the coverage of health insurance, expand primary healthcare, and increase public spending on healthcare. These challenges, in combination with an increase in spending and a fast growing middle class, make India an interesting market for Dutch innovative products, services, and technology.
- Inspiring speakers with experience in India
- Information on the Indian Healthcare Market & Opportunities for Dutch organisations
- Presentation of the TFHC India Platform
- Opportunity to network with like-minded people during a network lunch
For who?
Businesses, knowledge institutes and NGOs active in the Life Sciences & Health Sector who already have activities in India or see India as a potential (growth) market.
Registration for this seminar is mandatory and free of charge. Please register via this link before March, 24.
More information
For more information, please contact Guido Danen or visit the THFC website.